15. 8. 2013.

Lepotom protiv dijabetesa

Aktuelna Mis Srbije Aleksandra Doknić se priključila preventivi i borbi protiv dijabetesa, opake bolesti savremenog doba i načina života. Aleksandra je postala zvanični PR Udruženja za borbu protiv dijabetesa u Novom Sadu.

Dijabetes je u porastu, a uzrok nije samo genetika, nego i brza i nezdrava ishrana, stres i smanjena fizička aktivnost, koji su genetiku pomerili na treće mesto. Rano otkrivanje povećanog šećera omogućava redovno i uspešno lečenje i sprečava kobne posledice. Dijabetes je globalni problem, a Ujedinjene nacije su na Generalnoj skupštini usvojili rezoluciju da ga priznaju kao hroničnu bolest.

Aleksandrina kampanja ovog vikenda imala je za cilj da probudi svest kod građana na redovnu kontrolu i preventivu. Ona je u ime udruženja prisutnim građanima podelila članske i donatorske kartice, pomoću kojih mogu narednih godinu dana besplatno da kontrolišu šećer, zajedno sa članovima porodice.

The current Miss Serbia Aleksandra Doknic joined the prevention and fight against diabetes, malignant disease of the modern age and lifestyle. Aleksandra became the official PR of the Association to combat diabetes in Novi Sad.

Diabetes is on the rise, and the cause is not just genetics, but also quick and unhealthy diet, stress, and reduced physical activity, which are the genetics moved it to third place. Early detection of increased sugar a regular and successful treatment and prevent fatal consequences. Diabetes is a global problem, and the United Nations at the General Assembly adopted a resolution that is recognized as a chronic disease.

Aleksandra´s campaign this weekend aimed to awaken the conscience of the citizens to the regular control and prevention. It is on behalf of the Association present citizens split along membership and donor cards, which can help them next year free of charge to control the sugar, along with family members. 

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